
Happy New Year!

I hope that everyone had a wonderful celebration and began 2020 on the right foot. We had a quiet night in with our good friends. We ate a lot, drank a lot, and laughed a lot. We never get to see them, so it was really a nice time.

As we’ve gotten older, we have realized how nice it is to lay low on NYE. It’s been a minute since we actually went out… I found photos from NYE 2011 that I want to say was actually the last year we did. Then Mr. Pretty and I would stay in alone, wear sweatpants and have Irish Car Bombs. Now THAT is a tradition I forgot about, and probably should re-instate next year. Maybe not alone, but sweatpants + ICB = happiness.

Seeing as we did not wear sweatpants, I did get a bit dolled up. I actually curled my hair, did a full face of makeup and I tried out a new lip color that I am now obsessed with. Wore my black Rockstar jeans from Old Navy, and my Twist V-Back London Tee in olive green which I am also obsessed with. I need to be better about getting shots of my entire outfit.

The house was all picked up for company, but don’t mind my daughter’s Legos that are shoved under the coffee table. Totally not a hiding spot, I’m realizing, since the coffee table is completely open 😂

Top: Express (linked)
Jeans: Old Navy Rockstar (linked)
Shoes: Walmart (linked)

This time of year is full of Resolutions. Reflection. We think and (over)think some more about the past year and it’s trials, tribulations, and triumphs. IMO, we don’t think we spend enough time on the triumph part… but that’s just me.

And it’s all about “making your resolutions” when really, let’s face it. Who actually keeps a New Years Resolution?! I am sure there are people out there who stick to their guns, but I know I don’t, and I don’t think I’m in the minority here.

So this year, I’ve decided to create goals for myself instead. I like the person I have been working towards becoming, so why change that so drastically now?! Forget #NewYearNewMe ~ I’m sticking with #NewYearSameMe. I wanted to create well defined, SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based goals) and I wanted to separate them into categories so that I can track my progress more effectively. I wanted my goals to be focused around three areas of my life, and ultimately benefit each one. I wanted to set goals that are going to benefit my health, my family, and my business. I have also seen something floating around that people are giving the year a word and I am in love with this idea. I haven’t chosen my word yet, but I think I know what it’s going to be. See if by the end of this blog post you can guess. 🙃

I am not going to share all of my goals with you, as there has to be some mystery in this relationship, but I will share the kick start to my “Health” goals. First off, I am really going to spend 2020 focusing on all that is positive around me, and finding a true appreciation for the life that I have, the health and well being of myself, my family and my friends. It is so easy to get caught up in day to day life and forget how lucky we are. I need to not lose sight of that.

And then, there is my January Whole30 (starting today! 1/6). If you know me, you have heard me talk about this a lot. If you know me well, you have watched me go through the ups and downs of Whole30 multiple times. You have also seen me fail. Lordt how I have failed. I’m honestly not sure how I thought I would make it through a sales conference in Chicago. A SALES CONFERENCE IN CHICAGO. With all my people from all over the country that I only saw once or twice a year. With (unlimited) wine. And all the while, the windy city was blowing through the air, the most mouth watering scent of pizza. Yea, I made it about 10 minutes into the first dinner and then threw my hands up and around a beautiful glass bottle or two of red. I picked back up when I got back, and so I ended up doing a Whole42 I think, because I was already a handful of days in. The hubby has never let me live that one down, though, as he stayed compliant while I was away. Or so he says.

Moral of the story: Don’t let the horse stomp all over you when you fall off. Get up, brush off, and jump back on the saddle. Appreciate that saddle hasn’t moved and you CAN get back up on it.

Second moral of the story: Eating pizza > not eating pizza.

Third moral of the story: Peer pressure is a real thing, even for grown ups.

All jokes aside. When you’re making the life-changing decision to start on a Whole30 journey, you really REALLY need the support of your spouse, family, and friends. It is a hard thing to do, and you go through a lot of physical (and emotional) ups and downs. You need to set boundaries and expectations with people. There are no cheat days. You don’t get your special date night once a week, or just this one brunch with the girls.

Well, wait a second- let me rephrase. You can certainly DO those things, but you have to stay in compliance with the program. If not, you start your 30 days over. Because of this, there is never a “good time” to complete the program, because there is always something you’re going to have to suffer through or skip altogether because it’s too hard to stay committed. You just have to find a way to make it work for you.

Here I am talking about Whole30 and some of you may not even know what it is!? Duh, Coleen. Sorry!

So, the fundamentals behind Whole30 are to detox and reset the body from all of the crap we eat and drink. It is to repair your relationship with food. To find an appreciation for what real food does for your body (and soul!). And it truly is remarkable. Melissa Urban the CEO and co-founder is a goddess. Practically perfect in every way, and yet imperfect all the same. I follow her on social media (@melissau) and she is just one of those women that makes people love her without her even trying. She wholeheartedly believes in this program, and about helping people and it shows through her image but also through this program.

Per their website, the program helps with: eliminating cravings, improving energy and sleep, reporting an improvement in allergies, anxiety, chronic pain, digestive issues, skin conditions; and losing weight healthfully and sustainably. Having successfully completed the program a few times, I can honestly say it is all true.

So, I guess the big question is: What do you eat? It’s pretty simple, really. You eat real, whole non processed foods. Grass fed meats. Seafood, eggs, fruits and vegetables.

What don’t you eat? Sugar (real or artificial), alcohol, grains, legumes (including peanut butter, soy, and beans), dairy, MSG/sulfites. Anything processed. You also are not to recreate any baked goods, junk foods, or treats, even with approved ingredients. Technically, you are not really supposed to snack, but in complete transparency, we do in the first 1-2 weeks, only if we are hungry.

Are there exceptions? Yes: clarified butter/ghee, fruit juice, vinegar, coconut aminos and salt. Green beans, sugar snap peas, and snow peas are allowed, even though they are technically legumes. Potatoes- not really an “exception” but they are allowed. Yes, white potatoes as well as sweet potatoes.

Other Rules: you don’t weigh yourself or take body measurements for the length of the program. Per the website: The Whole30 is about so much more than weight loss, and to focus only on body composition means you’ll overlook all of the other dramatic, lifelong benefits this plan has to offer. So no weighing yourself, analyzing body fat, or breaking out the tape measure during the 30-day elimination period. (You may take photos and/or measurements on Days 0 and 31, however.)

Honestly, that might be the hardest part. Especially once you are feeling good, and can tell that there is a change happening in your body. We are all so driven to tie diet into weight loss/gain, that it’s such a mental thing to want to see the numbers changing. I did take photos and measurements this morning (because I forgot yesterday), and I will do so again on Day 31.

I will keep you all updated as I go. As you can see from the calendar above, it’s a rollercoaster of emotions and physical state. But it’s so worth it in the end, and I’m looking forward to getting the holidays behind me and back to my healthy lifestyle for 2020!

This week’s meal plan is:

Breakfast: Baked potato, poached eggs, nitrate free bacon +avocado +salsa
Lunch: Deconstructed Shepherd’s Pie with mashed cauliflower
Dinner: Buffalo Chicken Casserole, Shrimp & Zoodles, Chicken Cacciatore, Lettuce Wrapped In & Out Burgers
Snacks (only as needed): Smoothie, Tuna Cakes (sounds super weird but they are SO good, we make them ALL the time), Cashews, Apples or Banana with Almond Butter, Clementines

Want recipes? I’m happy to share! Let me know in the comments which you’d like to hear more about and I can put them together! I will be posting along the way over on Instagram stories, too! @livingprettyxcoleen if you aren’t following me already 🤩

Read the full set of rules here. If you really are interested, I’m happy to share the information I know about it further with you. This will be my 5th Whole30, I believe. There are also books out there (I did read “It Starts With Food” before beginning the program for the first time. Extremely well written, easy to read, but you still get the science)

And I think that’s all for now, folks. I’m gonna go prep for dinner and get my spaghetti squash cooked and ranch dressing made so that all I have to do is throw it all together and bake it when the time comes. Have a great week!!

Do you want to know my meal plans for the rest of the month? If you guys are looking for more info or recipes, etc… drop a comment below and maybe I’ll throw in an extra few posts this month focused around W30! Feel free to email me livingprettyxcoleen@gmail.com or message me on FB/Insta. Find me however you need to, I’m here for it and here for you!

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. This means that if you purchase something through one of my links, without any extra cost to you, I may earn a small commission.  It helps to keep my little blog going!  Regardless of compensation, all opinions are my own. As always, thank you for your support! x

1 thought on “#NewYearSameMe

  • Hardly! We all know how hard it is no matter what program/plan you try! But I can’t wait to see how you do with your FatOff plan, it sounds great!! x

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